Friday, November 28, 2008

Goals and Objectives of Our Veterans with Disabilities Advocacy Project

Thank you for visiting the Veterans with Disabilities Blog of the Center for Independent Living of South Florida. I thought it would be helpful to set forth some of the goals and objectives of our project. We welcome your participation. Please feel free to contact us at

Goals and Objectives:

1. To educate veterans with disabilities about their rights under the ADA and other federal civil rights laws;

2. To advocate for improvements to delivery of services to veterans with disabilities;

3. To identify issues of concern to veterans with disabilities;

4. To identify resources and allies in the community serving veterans, and to increase collaboration among those individuals and organizations and the Center for Independent Living of South Florida;

5. To create a Blog,Listerv, Newsletter and Speakers Bureau;

6. To train veterans with disabilities about their rights under title I of the ADA (employment), and help them address employment discrimination on the basis of disability;

7. To communicate with the Obama Administration about ways to improve services to veterans with disabilities;

8. To identify those organizations and individuals engaging in advocacy on behalf of veterans, and enhance their work on behalf of veterans with disabilities;

9. To work with homeless organizations serving veterans;

10. To work with veterans with disabilities to address voting issues;

11. To work with spouses and children of veterans with disabilities;

12. To improve ADA compliance of organizations and agencies serving veterans with disabilities;

13. To identify funding sources to help veterans with disabilities;

14. To work with faith-based organizations serving veterans, to enhance their services to veterans with disabilities.

Please join us.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Obama and Veterans

The Obama-Biden Plan

As a member of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Barack Obama has fought to end benefit disparities, bring homeless veterans in off the street, strengthen mental health care, add billions of dollars in additional Department of Veterans Affairs funding, and reform a system that often places barriers between veterans and the benefits they have earned. Obama and Joe Biden will ensure we honor the sacred trust to care for our nation’s veterans.

Continued on site